Drawstring Bag

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I want to be really excellent at Sewing. I’m not though. I think most of this is afraid of doing poorly and wasting materials, and a lack of practice. So I began to remedy this. I have made my first drawstring bag. It’s blue and silver stripy material that my mom had in a big trunk. So I have no idea what kind of fabric it is. It is a little bit weighty and had good body to it though.  I designed it with a round bottom. To make sure that it stays round when objects are inside it, I’ve sandwiched some plastic canvas in there to give it structure.


I did almost the entire project by myself. Mom helped me sew one part that I couldn’t figure out how to get into the sewing machine, and she gave me general instructions on when to flip it inside out and if I should be stitching right sides or wrong sides together. The final sewing around the bottom had to be all hand sewn, so I also asked her to show me how to do that. But I did all of that sewing. I’m really happy with how it all came out. I hope my swap partner enjoys it! 

I’m looking forward to trying more projects now. There is a little box shaped bag I am eager to try!



