Handspun and Rainbows

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I have some new things to show! First off is some handspun yarn.

This was spun on my drop spindle from some Corriedale light grey roving. I am still working on consistency. So there are lots and lots of thin and thick sections in the roving. But I am getting better at the drafting and spinning process going nice and smoothly. I rarely need to park and draft anymore. I was told to wind the single into a center pull ball so that I would be able to ply it on itself. I did that. The process was a disaster. I eventually had to have hubby hold the ball and carefully feed each end of it to me while I plied. So that took a long time. But this is the result! (the one on the top) I'm pretty happy with it. This two ply is going to be dyed with egg color this week. Process photos to come!

This second single I am spinning is actually coming out really thin and lovely. I may attempt to chain ply for the first time when this is finished. I may or may not be dying this one. I'll know better after my experimentation on the first plied yarn.

The next thing I have to show you is COLORFUL!

This is some Debrah Norville yarn I have had for a while in the colorway Gems. I bought it without an idea of what to do wit it because I fell in love with the colors. They are just vibrant and saturated and I love them. So I decided to turn them into socks finally. I am using a formula to work out my stitch counts based on the measurement of my foot, but the pattern is mine! Well, I am using a stitch from a stitch dictionary, but I am designing these socks. It's very exciting. I hope they fit when they are finished! I also hope I am able to get more of this yarn. It might be my favorite color I have ever seen. I do love it so!